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MBTI and Entrepreneurs

An MBTI Model of Entrepreneurism and Bureaucracy: The Psychological Types of Business Entrepreneurs Compared to Business Managers and Executives

A theory of entrepreneurism and bureaucracy is presented and confirmed that identifies the J-P preference as primary, and other preferences as subordinate: P is associated with entrepreneurism, and J with bureaucracy.

This 1997 paper on the MBTI complementary opposite preference pairs is still timely today. The E-I, S-N, T-F, J-P dichotomous preference pairs have established validity, and are well correlated with the factors of the FFM.

The MBTI preference pairs surpass the FFM factors in one respect. The MBTI preference pairs represent equally positive qualities or traits for the either pole whereas the FFM is typically implemented so that the high pole of a factor represents a positive desirable quality or trait while the low pole represents a negative sounding trait. On the negative side, the MBTI theory about the theoretical 16 Personality Preference Types makes assumptions about dominant and auxiliary functions that are unnecessary and frequently incorrect when empirical MBTI is available from measurements. Furthermore, the 4 preference pairs are independent and all contribute. There are 24 combinations of MBTI preferences when taken in priority order but only 16 MBTI preference types because rank order of the preferences is not considered. 

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