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Consciousness has been studied as an objective science in academic and non-academic circles since that late 1980's, and the Consciousness and Personality Forum is being used to publicize scientific work in this merging field. This Experience of Consciousness page explores a person's first hand experience which can be discussed with other people who share a common language. No fMRI machines or standardized self-reports using the well known MBTI or Five-Factor Model indicators are needed to substitute for a person's first hand experience. Individual observations and interpersonal dialog is the foundation for discovering and knowing what is true.

We have the 2500 year old cultural tradition of Philosophy to guide us in the 21st century. Indeed we can make no progress without it because categorical errors confound attempts to apply the scientific method in new areas formerly in the dark.  New interdisciplinary work, guided by philosophical common sense thinking, offers the potential for progress in understanding human consciousness objectively, and understanding our personal experience of being a conscious agent at work during changing events.