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Intuitive Apprehension

The Theory
The EPIC theory includes intuition functions of consciousness. These are described in articles on other pages at this Forum. Jung identified two different types of intuition functions. Extraverted intuition (Nr) is used by the agent for perceiving possibilities for objects and events in the real external world, and introverted intuition (Ns) is used by the agent for perceiving possibilities for objects and events originating in the subjective internal mind and body. 

The Practice of Being Present in the Moment with Attention
Do you have alarms on your doors and windows to protect against break-ins?  How may times have you caused it to go off by your failure to deactivate the alarm? Once a year is too much!  This morning after I woke up in the bedroom I strolled through the home to the slider door of the porch which was closed. My goal was to open the door so Andre our charming cat could look out the porch window and inspect birds and squirrels in the yard. My hand was on the slider door handle, and I experienced strong alarming feelings in reaction to what might happen next. Briefly my mind imagined a green alarm light out of sight at the front door. Was it OK to open the slider door?

I did not disengage the alarm myself this morning so the red light might still be on, and the green light might still be off. But did Susan turn off the alarm? After all, she was up first.  This is no time to toss a coin on the 50-50 chance that I might guess right because it only takes 5 minutes for the local police to arrive. So I turned away from the slider door, walked through the kitchen to the front door, and saw a RED light indicating that I must deactivate the alarm. Then the GREEN OK light will be on before I open the door to let Andre out.  EPIC theory says the Reaction script in the Rationality mode turns on the Red light feelings that causes you to stop in your tracks. It is a coupled directly from the Goal script in the Actuality mode for the Green light already on as you work towards a goal. The Reaction script maps to the DMN (Default Mode Network) and the Goal script maps to the TPN (Task Positive Network) of the brain that were identified by fMRI studies.  

People experience intuitive reactions felt in their body to warn them that something may happen - you never know what for sure!. It stops them like a RED traffic light and places their conscious mind in the Rationality mode of consciousness to analyze what is happening now before continuing to act as before or with changes to plans. The GREEN traffic light for acting to achieve a goal places the conscious mind in the drivers seat of the Actuality mode of consciousness. And the YELLOW light for caution to slow down or not start up yet puts them in the Potentiality mode of consciousness. The scientific EPIC theory predict these three mutually exclusive are present but only one is dominant and occupying most of the agent's working memory in the foreground of attention during one 10-15 second episode.  Remember the words of your teacher - "The red light tells you stop, the green light tells you go, and in between the yellow light says be careful now go slow!"

More recently the Journal of Consciousness and Personality Issue 7 (November 2020) at this web site showed the EPIC mathematical theory of consciousness predicted important features of the fMRI based Opposing Domains Hypothesis for three cognitive networks of the mind-brain beginning with three mutually exclusive complementary opposite phases of consciousness.