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Old Man With a Gun

This movie stars Robert Redford. The audience soon discoveres that this friendly smiling old man loves to rob banks, and charm ladies. What makes him tick?  An MBTI or FFM practitioner might ask him to answer a questionnaire but this would only capture him in terms of one static Preference Type or FFM Trait profile. Nor would an fMRI neural brain analysis accomplish much because the agent can't stay still very long. Nor does neural activity say anything an agent's profile of psychological functions, or what is on their mind unless they are willing to tell you. 

The EPIC complementary opposite modes gives a dynamic view of the real life career criminal Forrest Tucker agent portrayed in the movie. The EPIC model predicts three mutually exclusive mental modes each with four different scripts (each containing attention). Every episode of work in the real world needs some amount of mental activity in the Potentiality mode for future work, in the Actuality mode for present work now, and in the Rationality mode for past work to check if it is OK, or needs improvement.      

What would you estimate their MBTI type or FFM Trait profile to be - based on what you read in the Wiki narrative or you saw in the Movie?