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This Forum recognizes the known relationship between factors of the Five-Factor Model and complementary opposite preference pairs of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. It seeks to extend this knowledge to other interdisciplinary fields such as cognitive neuroscience, and philosophy as they address the subject of consciousness and personality. Reynierse's Revised Type Theory and Geldart's EPIC predictive mathematical model of functional scripts of consciousness work together for that purpose at this website Forum on Consciousness and Personality.
"The dominance of the FFM came as a result of empirical studies showing that the traits assessed by psychological questionnaires were closely related to the lexical Big Five Factors (McCrae, 1989). It is not surprising that the Introvert versus Extravert dimension of the MBTI corresponded to the lexical Extraversion factor, but it was very revealing that sensing versus Intuiting was in fact Openness, Thinking vs Feeling was Agreeableness, and Persceiving Versus Judging was Conscientiousness (McCrae & Costa, 1989a)". Quoted from Personality Disorders and the Five Factor Model of Personality, page 17, American Psychological Association.